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The day to buy nothing, to make the corporations and governments experience our power. ☮️
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28th FEB 2025
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The day to buy nothing, to make the corporations and governments experience our power. ☮️
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28th FEB 2025
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Until people start taking protest seriously nothing will change. A single day for a few hours event will do nothing to sway them. It needs to be a prolonged event that hurts them
Yes but to reach the big we need to start small.
People have been going small for 75 years, that method isn’t working.
Small as for this not buying , not that other methods need to be pasued , of course what’s going big already should continue whiles this is added too. Of course its just one day, but I and a lot of people practice this everyday trying to buy as less as possible and reaching self-sufficiency.
Yeah I feel like it hasn’t really grown as much as it needs to, what do you think we should do to motivate more people?
People won’t do anything until it impacts them, or they perceive it impacts them, hence the sudden interest in protest now that Biden is out of office. Once a Democrat gets back in the WH, regardless that material conditions still suck, they will go back to brunch and ignore the things they claim to hold dear right now.
That doesn’t sounds like an actionable thing we can do?
Luigi already did that, now it’s time for the next step, or at least continue his legacy. With Musk on top of the list.
Join us then
How does “no school” fit into this exactly?
Its simple if you have to go to school you dont go.
I meant how is not going to school a protest exactly? They’re already dismantling education, this kinda plays to their favor. Not buying anything and messing with the economy makes sense, but avoiding school shouldn’t bother them in the least.
Unless I’m missing something else, which is what I was trying to get at.
Its a total blackout day. If your kid doesnt go to school and pay for the Cisco shitlunch then this also takes a stab at the economy. Its less useful as the rest unless you are in college. But what it really demonstrates is WE have the power. WE can stop everything, not you, Mr President. Its a power play relying on unity and cooperation.
Sounds more like a pack your own lunch kinda thing.
I get the sentiment tho.
Sure, or you could deprive every physical location of the bodies that give them purpose.
SO MUCH commerce surrounds a day at school. You disrupt that along with everything else.
If Mom doesn’t have to go to work, she doesn’t have to stop for that Starbucks on the way in and fill the gas tank. She doesn’t have to pay to park or feed the meter. If she’s not taking the kid to school, she doesn’t have to drop them off early at early day care and doesn’t have to give them lunch money to spend. If you’re not at work, you wouldn’t eat that shitty Subway at lunch and wouldn’t have to go to that gathering at TGI Fridays after work. Little things that add up. Point is to show them that there is a light switch. You turn it off for a day to tell them you could turn it off longer if needed .
What you’re asking is for single moms not to work and have enough money to feed kids and pay rent. You’re asking people to miss rent payments and be homeless. Some people can’t afford to do this, full stop.
Well then I suppose we better just call the whole thing off since single mothers can’t participate. That’s just an excuse to try and justify actions that accomplish nothing. If people used those same protest techniques 100 years ago, we would still be fighting for things like 40-hour, work week, paid holiday, sick time, etc. We would still be fighting civil rights movements from the '60s.
With that mindset, since we can’t do anything for weeks on end, better call the whole thing off, since it can’t be done for weeks. I can say you thinking that doing it for one day is pointless is just an excuse for you to do nothing as well. You’re being extremely hypocritical.
Are you out there putting your life on the line, risking your home and children’s safety? Or are you waiting and making excuses? Yeah, I think we both know the answer. You want others to risk everything but I’m guessing you’ve not risked anything. But I could be wrong, please tell me what you’ve done to effect this change you want so badly? What have you put on the line?
I’m out there every single weekend, either helping feed the homeless, providing mutual aid, or some type of community building. I know how this shit works, and what doesn’t work. I’m probably doing more than any of the other shitlibs attending these things. IF they cared they would have been demonstrating during the blue fascists terms too, but all they know is performative politics.
Only the weekends huh? So only one or two days at a time? I heard one guy say that until people start taking protest seriously nothing will change. A single day or two will do nothing to sway them. It needs to be a prolonged event that hurts them. Wait, wasn’t that you? The guy not practicing what he preaches? Looks like I nailed it.
And yes, let’s cap it all off by saying how you’re better than everyone else, and everyone else is just performative. Jesus, I’ve never seen someone hurt a cause they support so handedly through hypocrisy and ego. Impressive.
Trying to conflate community aid with protest? One helps the community, the other fights the reasons community aid is necessary. Leave these issues to the actual people that know what they are doing, and stay the fuck out of our way.
That’s a lot of words to deflect from the fact that you’re not willing to do what you’re asking others to do. Sit back down, no one needs you telling the world how great you are while you demand from others what you won’t do yourself. When was the last time you protested for days, putting something on the line, like you’re judging others for not doing? Or have you been too busy patting yourself on the back about how you do more than any other lib.
Still trying to conflate mutual aid with protest. Since you appear to have no idea what protest entails, I doubt you can tell the difference between mutual aid and protest. Liberals are one of the direct causes of why nothing can ever get better. We have to fight both the state and liberals.
You can’t afford to not do this. Change requires sacrifice. You can’t keep following their rules and expect anything to change.
That’s easy to say. But when a mother won’t be able to feed her kids or pay rent it becomes less black and white. I’d ask the people who keep saying this requires sacrifice, what have you sacrificed that is on that level? Because you should be ready to do the same.
You do realize there are starving and homeless people right now, right? I don’t know why you have to use mother’s and children as some kind of shield. There are starving and homeless people right now without protests.
Yeah and? You’re asking someone to make the choice to not provide for their family. One person starving doesn’t make others starving any less meaningful. Seriously? This would create more homeless people. So if a new law was passed that made you homeless or wouldn’t matter, I mean there were homeless people already. Or if a whole town gets destroyed by a natural disaster, who cares, there were already people with nothing. The lack of empathy or just human decency is insane here.
I’m not using them as a shield. That’s your problem, you’re not willing to try to understand the point, you see it as a fight you have to win. I’m explaining a situation and why I’m certain situations people are going to be human and try to do what it takes to eat and take care of their children. Asking them to not do that is a very large, and some might say heartless ask. Are you willing to risking being homeless or unable to eat to protest? If not, you’re asking someone to suffer immensely while you sit back comfortably.
A lot of people ITT seem to have no problem demanding that people put their livelihoods on the line and risk everything they have, but I don’t see one person demanding that actually doing anything close to that themselves.
I dint think these general “buy nothing” days are the right way to go. Whatever people don’t buy on the day will just be bought the next day.
I think it would be difficult to achieve anything more than a standard deviation in daily sales, as in its not really noticeable.
Yep. It’s 1/365th of their business. That’s a single day stock dip of -0.O2%
I’m not sure about your math really.
My point though, is that weekly sales won’t dip at all, you’ll just buy things before or after.
I’m not sure about my math either, but my math is just as irrelevant as a one-day shopping boycott