There’s an earlier bit that complements that nicely:
“it turns out that the core competency of smiling and promising people things that you can’t actually deliver is highly transferable.”
There’s an earlier bit that complements that nicely:
“it turns out that the core competency of smiling and promising people things that you can’t actually deliver is highly transferable.”
First guy looks like hes from Silent Hil 2
Not shown: He’s already started to burrow with his feet.
yup, but that answer was based entirely on the assumptions present in the question. D is all divisible work, and C is everything else, because that’s literally all you can assume to make the math work. D has to therefore be 12 months worth of divisible work minus C. C could very well be 12 months of work, meaning D is zero and adding more workers won’t matter.
Well, if T is total time to build, D is the time that can be distributed equally among any number of workers, and C is constant, indivisible time extra time that goes along with construction, and X is the number of workers, then:
T - C = D / X
so, since T is 12 and 6 is half of 12, then:
T/2 - C = D/X * 1/2
T/2 - C = D/2X where X > 0, C = 0, T=12, and D = (T - C) / X
which is both the answer it’s looking for (twice as many workers) and the correct answer (it depends on at least two things we don’t know), while assuming what they’re assuming, which is C = 0
(Stupid ass junior high math problems piss me off, junior high is a traumatic experience)
Ok, well, if you ever come across a test framework named AuTest, you can blame me, because I’m stealing the shit out of that.
Up until now most people hated when shit randomly popped up while they were typing.
The Apple went and made the iPhone and now we have a whole generation that expects it.
50 shades of grey started as a twilight fanfic.
I have also progressed through the stages of grief and finally found acceptance.
Motherfucker could be wearing a red shirt with honey dripping off his clenched fist and y’all’d still call it racist.
Have you considered writing your own projects that you have to hide from your employers, and be careful with whom you discuss, so as to avoid the legal complications of the company owning your work?
Just wait until you get to Texas! 🌞🌞🌞🌞
Exactly! You actually CAN have 50 people finish something 50x faster, but it takes a shitload of planning, and that equals time and money no company I have ever worked for, or even known of, would allocate to something that isn’t generating immediate income.
Take the Hoover Dam for example: Dsigned over 3 ish years and built in 5, at a time when nothing that huge had ever been made before, at less than a billion in today money, and 2 years ahead of schedule. It’s 90 years old.
If you want to do web requests/ use API’s, use ‘requests’
graphs/reporting, I’ve used ‘bokeh’ before, it was nice.
I’ve never used PyDroid, so I’m not sure how you’d install things, but these are both available via pypi, python’s package repository.