^ Millennial who got bullied when they were 13 for liking Linkin Park and made it their whole personality and their life’s mission to make sure no one thinks they like it again. 🙄🥱
Unironically grow up. Those people were dicks. They’re well produced songs that are noteworthy for how well they portray teenage angst (a valid part of the human experience like any other) and connect with teenagers worldwide.
I was 18 when the song came out and couldn’t stand it then, can’t stand it now. Was more into Nine Inch Nails, Manson, and Nirvana to deal with teenage angst.
Linken Park isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Didn’t like Fred Durst, Blink 182, or even Korn. That kind of music made me do the emojis you put in your comment
Edit: My mistake. Didn’t realize this was a Linkin Park circle jerk
Yeah I was also an elite™️ 14-year old, all the normal girls were into LMFAO and LOL and their Flo-Ridas and BBM (what is that? Big boob messenger? Stupid thots. I was so much smarter than them. Humph! Looks are for the shallow!) and I was into far more intellectual things, like karaokeing to ‘Somewhat Damaged’, crying at least once to every single song on Still and speeding up the virgin power walk when the guitars come in on ‘Beside You In Time’.
But then I turned 16, and I was into cloud rap, and a tad later, doom metal. I came to realize that people had varied, changing tastes that didn’t necessarily give you the right to assume so much about them if they liked something I did not, it’s not as if one cannot be objective about media at all, but moreso that using tastes to attack a person, or to assume personal traits about them, especially a group of people, seldom yields to accurate outcomes.
It is a lesson I had to learn again when my CompSci colleagues at university didn’t cruise through classes like I did, it wasn’t because they weren’t ‘real’ ‘geeks’ like I was, and it wasn’t because they didn’t use Linux, and once more, and again and again with many different things, undoing the brainwashing of a consumption society to see the wonderful complexity of people.
I make music now, and I’ve learned to see the wonderous complexity in it too, even in stuff that’s ‘not my cup of tea’.
I can critique it, but I no longer assume so much about people, and perhaps I am taking all this far too seriously, and that’s fine, but if that applies to you, I hope you can grow up too.
lol what? I don’t give a shit what people listen to. To each their own. I was simply stating that not everyone loved Linkin Park, which seems to have offended a lot of people.
Music being subjective doesn’t imply all music is equally good or that everyone’s opinion is equally correct. There are still bad opinions. Saying Linkin Park is worth listening to is a bad opinion
Lol I agree with some of your points. The beauty of subjectivity is that you expressed an opinion, and that I can say with equal authority: Linkin Park is a great band and your opinion is incorrect
It says a lot about people who like Linkin Park that they can’t tolerate any criticism of the band. Criticizing someone aesthetic preferences is not some great evil
Bad taste then, bad taste now. No development or change in perspective. If this is you, you should be disappointed in yourself. Grow as you age.
Edit: hahaha people did NOT like this comment. They’re BAD, guys. Whiny, cringey, melodramatic. It’s music for a 12 year old.
^ Millennial who got bullied when they were 13 for liking Linkin Park and made it their whole personality and their life’s mission to make sure no one thinks they like it again. 🙄🥱
Unironically grow up. Those people were dicks. They’re well produced songs that are noteworthy for how well they portray teenage angst (a valid part of the human experience like any other) and connect with teenagers worldwide.
I was 18 when the song came out and couldn’t stand it then, can’t stand it now. Was more into Nine Inch Nails, Manson, and Nirvana to deal with teenage angst.
Linken Park isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Didn’t like Fred Durst, Blink 182, or even Korn. That kind of music made me do the emojis you put in your comment
Edit: My mistake. Didn’t realize this was a Linkin Park circle jerk
Yeah I was also an elite™️ 14-year old, all the normal girls were into LMFAO and LOL and their Flo-Ridas and BBM (what is that? Big boob messenger? Stupid thots. I was so much smarter than them. Humph! Looks are for the shallow!) and I was into far more intellectual things, like karaokeing to ‘Somewhat Damaged’, crying at least once to every single song on Still and speeding up the virgin power walk when the guitars come in on ‘Beside You In Time’.
But then I turned 16, and I was into cloud rap, and a tad later, doom metal. I came to realize that people had varied, changing tastes that didn’t necessarily give you the right to assume so much about them if they liked something I did not, it’s not as if one cannot be objective about media at all, but moreso that using tastes to attack a person, or to assume personal traits about them, especially a group of people, seldom yields to accurate outcomes.
It is a lesson I had to learn again when my CompSci colleagues at university didn’t cruise through classes like I did, it wasn’t because they weren’t ‘real’ ‘geeks’ like I was, and it wasn’t because they didn’t use Linux, and once more, and again and again with many different things, undoing the brainwashing of a consumption society to see the wonderful complexity of people.
I make music now, and I’ve learned to see the wonderous complexity in it too, even in stuff that’s ‘not my cup of tea’.
I can critique it, but I no longer assume so much about people, and perhaps I am taking all this far too seriously, and that’s fine, but if that applies to you, I hope you can grow up too.
lol what? I don’t give a shit what people listen to. To each their own. I was simply stating that not everyone loved Linkin Park, which seems to have offended a lot of people.
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I’m sorry but what the fuck are you talking about. Are you going around commenting on everything I have written lol. Get some help brother.
I thought you were the other person. It’s hard when you both sound the same.
lol still commenting on every single one of my comments. Get a life dude
Well then you need to phrase yourself a lot better because that is not how you came off, clearly.
You just sound insufferable as fuck lol.
Are you being a projecting douchebag right now?
Low effort.
Do you enjoy being a twat?
Yeah, and they’re even worse now. A scientologist for a lead singer… are you shitting me?
Fuck Linkin Park for that.
NIN is 29yo angst with heroin addict angst thrown in for good measure.
Not really but if that’s your thing go for it
I’ll give you this point, they portay teenage angst pretty well. I don’t get why a grown person would welter in teenage angst, though
I don’t think anyone welters in it when they re-listen to angsty music of their youth. For me it’s just a matter of nostalgia and reminiscing.
If this is you, you should be disappointed in yourself. Grow as you age.
You should be more subtle if you want to troll people. With a bait that obvious, you should be disappointed in yourself.
You must be fun at parties.
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You must be fun at parties.
Did someone hurt you at a party?
deleted by creator
This account is not even 12 hours old and is writing wild comments. Most likely a troll Account, just block and move on.
I can almost guarantee this is the same person on a different account. Not even a day old and all just shitpost comments.
You’ll get it once you grow out of your teens and a decade or two has passed.
who hurt you?
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Who hurt you?
Why are you embarrassed?
Who hurt you?
“Your subjective experience needs to be the same as my subjective experience” in more words lol
Music being subjective doesn’t imply all music is equally good or that everyone’s opinion is equally correct. There are still bad opinions. Saying Linkin Park is worth listening to is a bad opinion
Lol I agree with some of your points. The beauty of subjectivity is that you expressed an opinion, and that I can say with equal authority: Linkin Park is a great band and your opinion is incorrect
It’s just a meme bro
deleted by creator
It says a lot about people who like Linkin Park that they can’t tolerate any criticism of the band. Criticizing someone aesthetic preferences is not some great evil
Now I see you’re testing me, pushes me away
so I guess you shame anyone who enjoys the Beatles then?
Lmao you’re comparing Linkin Park with the Beatles?
They did both misspell their band names.